
A Book of Contemplation the Which Is Called the Cloud of Unknowing, in the Which a Soul Is Oned with God is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Cloud of Unknowing is a fourteenth-century work of Christian mysticism written by an anonymous author. It is a spiritual guide to contemplative prayer—the art of surrendering ego, mind, and expectations so that God may pierce the barrier, or cloud, that separates him from us. Since this book’s entrance into religious circles more than 500 years ago, the question of authorship has been asked...

HERE BEGINNETH How the work of this book shall be wrought, and of the worthiness of it before all other works. LIFT up thine heart unto God with a meek stirring of love; and mean Himself, and none of His goods. And thereto, look thee loath to think on aught but Himself. So that nought work in thy wit, nor in thy will, but only Himself. And do that in thee is to forget all the creatures that ever God made and the works of them; so that thy thought nor thy desire be not directed nor
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